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Rutger Heijmerikx

Change is inevitable. So it's nice to see what has changed...

    Whenever you’re ordered to redesign an existing object (eg. DSO), it would be nice that, after you’re done with the alteration, you’re able to validate the correctness of your actions. This blogpost describes an easy way to find out which fields were altered (added, removed, replaced) after the redesign of an existing DSO by comparing the altered DSO (from within the development system) with the current/live version in the production system.
    Display the DSO structure via transaction code SE11. In the example below a DSO named CPOSSI07 is being displayed. This can be achieved by entering /BIC/A&lt;dso name&gt;00 within the SE11 database table selection parameter and pressing the display button.
    <img src="https://d33hx0vcw78rcj.cloudfront.net/photos/item_photos/198/original.png?1473430294">
    Within transaction SE11 go to the menu option Utilities, Versions, Version Management and the following screen appears. Select the version of the object you want to compare (in this example there’s only one ‘activ’ version) and click on REMOTE comparison.
    <img src="https://d33hx0vcw78rcj.cloudfront.net/photos/item_photos/199/original.png?1473430319">
    A popup will ask you which target system should be used for the comparison.
    In this example we select target system ‘BP5’ as this is our productive BW environment
    <img src="https://d33hx0vcw78rcj.cloudfront.net/photos/item_photos/200/original.png?1473430353">
    All available versions in the target system of the object you want to compare (in this case only the local active version of 05.08.2016 is available) are shown. Select the version of the target system object you’d like to compare and again press REMOTE comparison
    <img src="https://d33hx0vcw78rcj.cloudfront.net/photos/item_photos/201/original.png?1473430441">
    The outcome should be something like this:
    <img src="https://d33hx0vcw78rcj.cloudfront.net/photos/item_photos/202/original.png?1473430474" style="background-color: initial;">
    When you press DELTA DISPLAY (on the top left) the delta (=difference) between the two versions will be shown
    <img src="https://d33hx0vcw78rcj.cloudfront.net/photos/item_photos/203/original.png?1473430505" style="background-color: initial;">
    There are 2 fields inserted and, a bit harder to read, 49 fields have shifted from place.
    This comparison shows you that the DSO in the source system contains 2 more fields that the same DSO in the target system. If this is what you’d expect, you’re fine….otherwise you’re not done with your developments yet!
    Another neat trick for simplifying your BW developments.&nbsp;

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