A wise man once said ‘All knowledge is connected to all other knowledge. The fun is in making the connections.’ This is one of our core beliefs at McCoy & Partners. Gather knowledge and share it. Share it within McCoy, but also with all interested people in our ecosystem. This is why McCoy puts a lot of effort in our event calendar, which we execute ourselves or in cooperation with our strategic partners.
We proudly present our upcoming events to you to reflect over summer, and you are warmly invited to attend as many as you wish. A novelty in our event philosophy is that all our sessions are held in a hybrid matter, meaning you can attend online via a webinar as well as participate in person.
September 28th will be the day on which you can learn all about Procurement in our Ariba event. This venue will be held at SAP Netherlands, with whom we will organize this exciting event. More information on this special Pointdrive presentation.
On November 9th McCoy and KPMG will host a session on The Future of Finance, in which we will inform our audience on the SAP future view on Finance, combined with the general developments in the transformation from registering to predicitive number crunching.
November 9th will be our UX day. Join the McCoy UX team and let them inform you on all possibilities around improving User Experience. Learn more about our services for enhancing working procedures and corresponding SAP screens and -handling.
Also on November 9th McCoy will host a session around SAP Analytics Cloud. This long awaited development in SAP BI will be brought to you in cooperation with SAP International.
We will soon publish these events on our website and look forward to meeting you there. Be sure to register on time as seats are limited!
We wish all our friends of McCoy great Summer Holidays!
Als innovatiepartner willen wij graag blijven inspireren. Daarom delen wij graag onze meest relevante content, evenementen, webinars en andere waardevolle updates met jou.