Rutger Heijmerikx

McCoy intensifies search for talent

To support its explosive growth McCoy has shifted gears with regards to the search for talent. Our quest to Simplify landscapes and processes at our customers is extremely successful and we need more partners to complete our mission.

Why should a successful IT consultant join McCoy & Partners?

Several years ago Harry van Helvoirt and Jeroen Seuntiens founded McCoy & Partners, because they wanted to start a company they could really be proud of and where everyone would enjoy working together.

  • The Culture

In 2015 McCoy & Partners has become a young, rapidly growing IT consultancy firm at which solid knowledge of business processes is combined with in-depth knowledge of IT systems and technology.

Joining McCoy & Partners means becoming part of a close community of professionals who are devoted to their profession. You are not considered an employee, but more a ‘member’ or partner. And as a partner you are truly connected with our organisation.

McCoy & Partners is a financially healthy and stable company, with a future-oriented vision, highly satisfied customers and with partners who are committed towards these customers. And of course towards McCoy and each other. Exactly the company the founders dreamed of.

Get to know some of these partners by visiting our site. Learn more about our projects, get accustomed to our company culture and take a look at our excellent working conditions.

And you will come to the conclusion that the best company for your career to prosper is the real McCoy!

  • Eye for personal development

We consider the personal development of our consultants to be of the highest importance. That is why McCoy & Partners has a HR policy that supports this. Within this policy you have an active role, but your manager or coach will help you realize this.

  • Excellent working conditions

Being a modern employer, McCoy offers you an excellent set of working conditions.

Of course you’ll have a very good salary, and a nice bonus, but the fringe benefits are also extremely well taken care of; for example a solid pension plan, a company car, your own laptop and mobile phone of choice, a high expense allowance and 30 holidays are part of the total package.

  • Making the difference together

Ever since their founding, McCoy has been successfully operating on the fine line between business and IT. We owe our continuous growth to the commitment of our ‘partners’: commitment towards each other, commitment towards our clients and towards McCoy.

McCoy understands that SAP/IT consultancy is done by people. Simplicity, craftsmanship and engagement cannot be guaranteed by a certain approach, a temporary revival or by a machine.

This implies that McCoyans distinguish themselves by their craftsmanship, dedication and their drive for simplifying everything they do.

Working at McCoy means taking part in challenging projects and continuously developing your skills.

We offer you the possibility to grow as a specialist, but also as a manager of a team or as a client focused solution seller.

Fun is an important part of McCoy. Fun on the job is crucial, but also outside the job with your colleagues. Several activities are planned throughout the year and often our spouses join us as well

Yes, we are different. Different from the large IT consultancy firms with their large offices, many rules and big overhead. We prefer fewer layers of management, so our employees can benefit from improved communications, consistency and uniformity in service. Talent is more important than structure.

We stimulate each other to achieve more and become a better consultant. Each success is therefore celebrated with the entire team.

Become a Real McCoy! Contact our Talent Acquisition Manager Henriette at +31 (0)6 1304 1261 or have a look at our current vacancies.

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