Rutger Heijmerikx

Meet McCoy in Madrid at SAP Ariba Live 2016

Spain has been the sports capital of the world for quite some time. Only recently two teams battled in the finals of the UEFA Champions League and Alejandro Valverde finished third in the Giro D’Italia after our Dutch friend Steven Kruijswijk crashed in one of the last stages.

The capital of Spain has been the center of innovation. In June 2016 the beautiful city of Madrid will be host of one of the most innovative events of the year: SAP Ariba live 2016. With a full program of knowledge expert sessions and new product roadmaps, also a lot of customers will present their experience with the SAP Ariba product portfolio.

McCoy & Partners will attend SAP Ariba Live 2016 as a true partner of SAP Ariba and will engage with customers, Ariba experts and other people from the great eco system that has evolved over the past years.

We are very excited to interact with all the attendees, so if you happen to be in Madrid from between June 13th and June 15th, please send us a message. We are happy to connect in Madrid and have a chat on how the Road to Simplicity connects the dots for SAP Ariba products and implementation projects.

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