Joury Jonkergouw

The importance of a having a BI data strategy  

Over the past decade, the world of Business Intelligence (BI) and data has undergone a significant transformation. Whereas a single tool was once sufficient for data warehousing and reporting (e.g., SAP BW), we now see a clear shift towards an architecture that combines both SAP and non-SAP products. Our goal is to help clients gain better control over their data and BI landscape so that they can maximize the value of their investments. In this blog, we explain how we achieve this. 

The shift in BI data architecture 

The rapid evolution in the BI landscape has resulted in a situation where companies face a wide array of tools and technologies. This best-of-breed approach can be very powerful if managed well. However, without a well-defined BI data strategy and a clear understanding of how these tools complement each other, organizations can become entangled in a web of systems with overlapping functionalities. This can eventually lead to an increase of systems and applications, making IT infrastructure unnecessarily complex. 

The need for an integrated BI data strategy 

A robust BI data strategy is crucial to address these challenges. By defining a clear architecture based on the unique characteristics of each product, inefficiencies can be avoided, costs can be saved, and processes can be improved.  

Our solution: The BI data strategy assessment 

To support our clients, we offer a three day onsite BI data strategy assessment. This approach is built on three key pillars: 

  • People (Organization) 

Cultural processes and data maturity are a crucial starting point. This provides insight into how well processes and people are prepared for a data-driven approach. 

2. Platforms (Technology landscape) 
We identify areas for improvement and analyze the BI systems, technology authorizations, and the positioning of tools within the organization. This ensures that technology optimally supports strategic plans. 

3. Processes (Strategy) 

Finally, we analyze the existing processes that support organizational strategies. This area helps in developing a coherent strategy that supports both technological and strategic objectives. 

Based on these three domains, a detailed report with personalized advice is delivered. This report includes a technical roadmap and (non-)technical enablers, such as ready-to-use dashboards and training.  

With this BI data strategy assessment, we help organizations develop a clear and effective BI data strategy that supports their business goals. Moreover, thanks to our knowledge and experience, we can quickly add value and take concrete steps towards a data-driven future. 

Struggling with your data?

It might just be due to that overwhelming BI landscape. Do you want a complete analysis of your organization? Then contact Joury Jonkergouw at +31 682622361 or joury.jonkergouw for more information about the assessment. 

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