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Road to Supply Chain Excellence

Do you want to prepare your supply chain for the future? Find out how to take the first steps towards a more innovative, efficient and high-performing supply chain at our knowledge event Road to Supply Chain Excellence.

As a manufacturing or wholesale company, you undoubtedly see the rise of technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotisation and Industry 4.0. But how do you put these innovations into practice? How do you lay a solid IT foundation with which you can really transform your supply chain? During this event, we will share insights, customer stories and real-life examples that will inspire you to take the next step.

What to expect?

We combine in-depth knowledge with practical experience, so you not only understand what is possible, but also how to successfully implement these innovations. The programme starts with an inspiring keynote and continues with an interactive break-out carousel.

Supply chain innovation starts with a strong foundation

Innovative technology offers unprecedented opportunities: from automated quality checks to self-driving reach trucks. But innovation can only be successful if the basics are in place.

“To innovate, data must flow smoothly through your organisation and your processes must be seamless.”

Solution Architect, McCoy

This event will help you lay that solid foundation while inspiring you to take the next step. Think more efficiency, lower costs, better margins and satisfied customers.  

Sign up

Make your supply chain smarter and more fun by optimising systems. Register today and discover how to increase job satisfaction by making technology work for you, not the other way around. We look forward to welcoming you on 8 May! 

Event schedule

Opening + Keynote
Coffee break
Wrap up + drinks