Kris van Brouwershaven

SAP Analytics Cloud QRC1 2024 – Retain filters in Hyperlinks!

SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) is SAP’s cloud-based Business Intelligence platform that provides a range of analytics and reporting tools. It is a fast-evolving product, which gets updated frequently. In this blog, Kris van Brouwershaven takes you through the main takeaways from the latest release for SAP Analytics Cloud: QRC Q1 2024-release, which will happen on February 16-18 2024.

This QRC Q1 2024-release encapsulates all new features that were introduced in the following releases:

SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.22 – October 27th 2023

SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.23 – November 7th 2023

SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.24 – November 22nd 2023

SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.25 – December 7th 2023

SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.01 – December 21st 2023

SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.02 – January 18th 2024

More details about the top features we discuss can be found in one of the SAP blogs mentioned above. This blog will keep Enterprise Planning out of scope.

Kris has been working with McCoy & Partners since October 2020 and is specialized in SAP Analytics Cloud.

Upgraded Story Design: Retain filters in hyperlinks!

This topic covers multiple releases.

Let’s start with the most interesting features: this update contains a few very useful additions to the Hyperlinks and the Variance!

In this update, the following is introduced:

  • Pass filter context with Internal Hyperlinks. With this update, you can choose from:

  • Only the Selected Dimension --> This is the current behaviour.

  • All filters that impact the widget --> Can be assigned using Linked Analysis/Input Control Settings.

  • Specific filters that impact the widget.

There are some known limitation: Dynamic Time Filters with a Custom Current Date & Measure-based Filters.

  • Variance shown as Waterfall for Bar/Column and Waterfall Charts.

  • Easier option to add Calculations and Calculated Dimensions from the ‘Available Objects’-panel.

Please do note this hyperlinking is only available for internal links, so only for ‘Link to: Page’ and ‘Link to: Story’.

Extended Data Analyzer

Find more details at SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.23 – November 7th 2023

In this release, a number of changes are performed:

  • Exporting with Repetitive Member Names as an option.

This works for all supported file types (Excel, PDF, CSV).

  • Dimension Grouping

In the same way as it is done in the backend-system. Hierarchies can be shown as a hierarchical, not just as the ‘flat presentation’ values.

  • Calculating when using the Data Analyzer*.

In this first release, the following is supported:

  • Functions: ABS, EXP, SQRT, GrandTotal, %GrandTotal, MOD, and POWER

  • Operators: +, -, , /, and *

  • Conditional Operators: AND, OR, =, !=, <, >, <=, and >=

  • Selecting ID or Description when creating a new calculation.

  • Setting up your own thresholds when viewing the Data Analyzer-file.

* When calculating in the Data Analyzer, you can look at the available Fields (1), Functions (2), Operators (3), and an explaination of the selected function (4).

Running dashboard in Lite-mode

Find more details at SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.02 – January 18th 2024

This Lite Viewer is an extension of the Optimized Experience and accelerates viewtime by reducing the load on the SAC-client by up to 75%.

The so-called Lite-Viewer will automatically open for dashboards that are compatible. The following conditions must be met:

  • Story is in the Optimized Experience.

  • Story does not contain unsupported features (i.e. Planning, Advanced BI, Custom Widgets)

  • Story is opened in embed-mode.

This embed-mode is a ‘hidden feature’ that will only be enabled when adding ‘?shellMode=embed’ in the URL.

New API’s in the Scripting-capabilities

Find more details at SAP Analytics Cloud 2024.01 – December 21st 2023

The following scripting-features are added:

  • Bookmark-support for Custom Widgets: “supportsBookmark”: true/false.

Using a simple code, you can set whether the bookmarks should affect the widget.

  • Get and Set Unbooked Members: getActiveSelectedMembersWithUnbooked().

This only works if any connected Input Control is set to flat presentation and Cascading Effect is turned off.

  • Translate members in text-based objects (Text Widget, Checkbox, RadioButton), based on access-language. You can add this using a TextPool-object.

Undo/Redo in SAC Add-in for Excel

Find more details at SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.22 – October 27th 2023

This new feature enables the users to undo or redo the last performed action, or the last made change in the add-in.

NOTE: This does not refer to the Excel undo/redo (using CTRL+Z or CTRL+Y).

NOTE 2: There are now two undo/redo stacks when using the add-in: one from Excel and one from the add-in. They can work both simultaneously and independent from each other.


Find more details at SAP Analytics Cloud 2023.22 – October 27th 2023

When exporting using the Optimized Experience, you can now enable an export in the background, letting the user still work with the dashboard. Also, the limit of 5.2MB is removed for PPT-exports!

Previous releases of SAP Analytics Cloud

Are you curious about the previous releases of SAP Analytics Cloud? Check our other blogs:

Would you like to know more about SAP Analytics Cloud or Reporting in general? Feel free to reach out to Kris van Brouwershaven.

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