What is Customer Experience?

Whether you deploy Customer Experience in the smartest way depends in part on the definition you use. What exactly is Customer Experience? And what is it not? Here are the McCoy views on CX. Compare them to how your company defines Customer Experience. It's a first step toward understanding where there are still gains to be made.

The real definition of Customer Experience

Customer Experience is not having a CRM system. The McCoy definition of Customer Experience is living up to customer expectations based on your corporate image through all channels. You may have carefully created that image yourself, but it can just as easily be created by how other companies operate.

Customer expectations driven by B2C experiences

A clear trend is that the high service levels of B2C companies like Bol.com and Coolblue are driving customer expectations in B2B partnerships. In other words, if Coolblue delivers my washing machine the same day, why is it that you guys can't deliver that spare part for another two weeks?

3 Levels of Customer Experience

Based on our experience with companies, we distinguish 3 levels of Customer Experience:

  • Negative Customer Experience. Problems/questions are not solved. The customer is transferred 'because I'm not allowed to say anything about it' and hears a different story from each department.

  • Re-active Customer Experience. Problems are resolved as best they can when the customer rings the bell.

  • Pro-active Customer Experience. Problems are prevented. The technician is at the doorstep before the customer even had to call. 

The value of O- and X-data

The obvious thing to do as a company is to want to grow into proactive Customer Experience. Only then will you exceed customer expectations and cash in on all the other benefits to your business. To do that, you need both O- and X-data.

O-data is operational data and is your rearview mirror. It is sales orders, contracts, price agreements, phone calls and emails. Standing alone, they are not enough for a good Customer Experience. You do need them to create positive X-data. These are customer experiences in the form of, for example, NPS scores, Reviews and Customer sentiment. Based on that, you can start developing a real strategy.

Want to know more to gain insight into O-data related to the service process? Then click here.