New style SAP management with McCoy Managed Services

SAP environments must run stably and silently. Like water from the tap or electricity from a wall socket. Obvious, right? Yet a large part of the IT budget at many organisations is still spent on 'keeping the lights on'. Why can't you put your budget into innovation and business optimisation? We are convinced that you can: with new-style SAP management. 

The implementation of SAP systems often requires a substantial investment. The business case is complete. The project is a fact. The design, realisation and test phase are completed. The Go Live is approaching. For the implementation partners, it is 'finished'. A festive day. 

Strange, actually. After all, the system has not even been running productively for a day. For the users, it's only just getting started. An exciting day for the customer. 

Getting value from your SAP systems

The use of the system will determine whether you will realise the business case. How are you going to ensure that you get real value from your systems long term? Will users use the system as it was intended? Will your system remain stable and secure? How do you stay up-to-date with new developments? 

We do not see SAP management as a 'necessary evil', but as a way of generating value. The way to optimise the return on the investment made, together with the customer. 

Learn more about how we do that: